Simon Kabir


Simon Kabir, who is also a vice president at Google, said in a blog post: “It’s great to have a global brand with a strong presence in Latin America that brings customers the best experience and features to take advantage of the region and its unique culture. We appreciate that Google’s efforts in this department go far toward bringing our services to more people and have already contributed to a more productive and diverse user experience.”

This week, the company took another step. “Today, the first Google Cast product in Latin America is going live,” Facebook’s vice president of user growth and local operations, Matt Greenfield, wrote on Facebook. “And the first-ever Latin American user experience was created that will allow millions of Brazilians to access Facebook to stay connected to the rest of the internet.”

But Brazil isn’t Google’s only play there. Just this week another division of the company announced it will launch Google+ in Brazil, with plans to offer users all the Google products they already know and love: voice search, search results, calendars, photo albums and much more.

The move will mean users of Facebook will be able to search on Facebook via a new platform called “Facebook on Google.” Google’s announcement Tuesday says the new mobile-friendly version of Google+ will have over 50 Google products as part of its portfolio: search, video chat, maps and Google Maps, and the newly acquired Lens.

We’ll have much more on this week’s new devices, and Google’s plans for Latin America at Mobile World Congress next week.

Simon Kabir

Location: Hanoi , Vietnam
Company: Edeka Zentrale
